Housing Matters


Help if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness or family violence. VICTORIA – Statewide

600,000 people in Queensland are living in Poverty

Queensland single mother Paulene dreams of the day she can afford everything on her grocery list, but with rent to pay, a young mouth to feed and a casual retail job with uncertain hours, she is worried she never will. Key points: Research shows one-in-five children in Queensland live in

Single Parents Locked Out Of Rental Market

ParentsNext program leaves single parents wondering about next steps to secure rental properties Gladys Serugga ABC Gippsland reports that single parents on a federal government income support program say mandatory reporting requirements introduced this year are locking them out of the housing market. Key points: The ParentsNext program is designed to

Children Matter

Childcare is No Longer An Option

CHILDCARE IS A CHALLENGE FOR MANY SINGLE PARENTS Dr Barbara Broadway and Dr Esperanza Vera-Toscano reported this week that The HILDA Survey suggests single-parent households in Australia are abandoning formal childcare as they face greater poverty rates While we have seen as a long trending outcome in the global labour


Let’s Reimagine Opportunity

THE CHALLENGE Working Solutions Inc is seeking work opportunities for single parents across Australia. We are challenging small businesses and large alike to open work opportunities that are flexible and sustainable for single parents. One thing we have learned during the Pandemic is that working with kids in the space

Working Solutions Inc


  • Flexible Work Partner
  • Open Door Project
  •  Community Business Network
  • Advocacy and Support
  • Action Against Children In Poverty
  • Flex-e-work

The Fundrise Project

Working Solutions Building Sustainable Communities