Working Solutions Inc acknowledges the amazing work and projects in place among small and large charitable organisations across Australia to support single parents and their children as they navigate challenges to ensure poverty and lack of opportunity do not determine their choices nor their life journey as a family.
Our focus is turned to the re-engineering of work and workplace culture – seeking sustainable and flexible work solutions and opportunities for single mum, dad, non-binary and trans gender solo parented families. We know from the reports – the data – that poverty is a reality for so many solo parented families. We also know that if ever there were a chance to be more creative in developing flexible work, flexible workplaces and cultures that hold up the value of solo parents at work and in the community – this time is now.
Working Solutions Incorporated is a non-profit organisation that has both immediate and longer term objectives to achieve a better working life, a real career path, higher community access for all single parent families. We can accelerate our achievements in this area through your generosity.
Philanthropic support – project partnerships – a simple donation – volunteering | each of these are valuable to our mission and are gratefully accepted.
If you would like to offer support to our organisation or discuss how you can engage with us in furthering sustainable flexible work opportunities, resources and tools for business and work, please contact us by email.